We're Back, Again!
We’re back, again!
It’s time to start the blog up again! We hope this helps feed your fashion soul with all the tips, tricks, and outfit inspirations we plan to include! So let’s dive right in..
Some may be wondering why we got rid of the blog to begin with. Honestly, it was a lot to keep up with and we didn’t want to let anyone down with inconsistent posting. We also weren’t in a place to spend a lot of time on planning and dive deep into topics we want to talk about. We hope to make up for that now.
Now, since this is our first post with the new blog up and running, we are planning on doing a more relaxed- get to know us style post. If you are new to our boutique, this is perfect for YOU!
A little background on Sweet Sassafras Boutique and how we came to be
Our story started on November 9th, 2017, and as a Mom, and 2 daughters, we wanted a family business. I know, I know, most don’t want to work with their relatives, but we did. Family means a lot to us and we truly wanted an adventure of a lifetime. We opted on a women’s clothing boutique business. Of course, some of the hardest things were choosing a name for the new upcoming boutique. We live in the South so we needed “Sweet” in the name for that added southern charm you hear so much about. As we were thinking of any additions to the name, our family dog, whose name is Sassy, came up the stairs and we thought “what about sassafras??”. We looked up the Sassafras Tree and found that there are 3 different leaves on the tree. So, in our logo, we have shown the 3 different leaves on the tree. We thought of the 3 different leaves as our different roles to play in the business. Our logo design also includes a circle to show our never ending commitment to our customers and our love for our community.
Now those who have been here for a while are probably wondering what are our future plans for Sweet Sassafras Boutique..
Our full hope for our boutique is to grow and expand. Reach more customers who want to feel empowered in their clothes with style. We would love to continue to grow our Curvy Collection as well. We have two current booth locations: Soul Sisters Antiques and Painted Tree Roswell. We also want to do as many vendor events this year as possible and hopefully watch our online activity increase!
Now- Meet the ladies behind Sweet Sassafras Boutique!
Cheryl - Hi, I’m Cheryl! I’m a wife of 45 years, and the Mom of 2 beautiful daughters! I enjoy gardening, hiking, and working out at the gym!
Shauna- Hi, I’m Shauna! I’m the oldest Daughter/Sister of Sweet Sassafras Boutique. I also work a full time job as an Office Director at a Preschool. My hobbies include: hiking, working out, and spending time with my family and friends.
Melissa - Hi, I’m Melissa! I live in Williamstown, Kentucky. In my spare time, I love hanging out with my friends and family, going for hikes, and hanging out on our boat in the summertime! I'm also a photographer, you can check out my work here!
We look forward to continuing to talk to you guys via the blog and we hope you find it amusing and helpful!
You can find more information about us, see our awards, and get in touch with us here!
Also, feel free to follow us on socials below!